Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and effectively protecting the landlord, tenant, and Realtor’s interests. Learn what even some of the most experienced veteran real estate agents do not know and where most of the mistakes are made. Learn how to fill in the maintenance section, prorations, collect your full commission, deal with active-duty military, and more.
This class and visual presentation lecture covers the Florida Lease Agreement intertwined with realtor & property management experiences based on how the lease was written/filled in. The training will cover the lease agreement flow from acquiring a tenant to the closing/move-in and the responsibilities of the Realtors® to their customers.
The Lease Agreement process will include:
• How to write a lease that protects the landlord, the tenant, and the Realtor®.
• Understand the difference between practicing law and being a Realtor®.
• Understanding the importance of naming the parties involved in the lease.
• Deposits and how to properly handle them.
• Understand the maintenance section and how it affects owners and tenants.
• How to handle active-duty military and their special exceptions to the leasing process.
• How to make sure the landlord does not pay for storage.
• Best practices for making sure all the sections are signed and initialed.
• Best practices when dealing with foreign landlords.
• Service and Support Animals
• Understand the only questions you can ask a person requesting a reasonable accommodation.
• Understand the kind of documents that can be requested.
• Understand who can provide reasonable or trustworthy documentation as proof of the tenant’s need for a reasonable accommodation.
• Understand why a service or support animal is not a pet.
Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and effectively protecting the landlord, tenant, and Realtor’s interests. Learn what even some of the most experienced veteran real estate agents do not know and where most of the mistakes are made. Learn how to fill in the maintenance section, prorations, collect your full commission, deal with active-duty military, and more.
This class and visual presentation lecture covers the Florida Lease Agreement intertwined with realtor & property management experiences based on how the lease was written/filled in. The training will cover the lease agreement flow from acquiring a tenant to the closing/move-in and the responsibilities of the Realtors® to their customers.
The Lease Agreement process will include:
How to write a lease that protects the landlord, the tenant, and the Realtor®.
Understand the difference between practicing law and being a Realtor®.
Understanding the importance of naming the parties involved in the lease.
How to collect your full commission when prorating rent.
Deposits and how to properly handle them.
Understand the maintenance section and how it affects owners and tenants.
How to handle active-duty military and their special exceptions to the leasing process.
How to make sure the landlord does not pay for storage.
Best practices for making sure all the sections are signed and initialed.
Best practices when dealing with foreign landlords.
Service and Support Animals – Bonus Class
This class will help you understand the proper way to deal with renters who initiate the process of having a service or support animal when renting a unit from an owner.
Understand the only questions you can ask a person requesting a reasonable accommodation.
Understand the kind of documents that can be requested.
Understand who can provide reasonable or trustworthy documentation as proof of the tenant’s need for a reasonable accommodation.
Understand why a service or support animal is not a pet.
I had the pleasure of watching this interview live. Very enlightening and eye opening. I found it in LinkedIn and I believe it is important for more to hear.
I have met Sara Rodriguez and she is a true leader and a wealth of knowledge. I look forward to learning more from her in the future.
Congratulations to Mark Pinilla for being recognized as the NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer of the Month! This year, Mark conducted 12 trainings, reaching 211 individuals with valuable insights into the NAHREP 10 principles. His commitment to uplifting our community and empowering others through financial literacy and growth is remarkable. Thank you, Mark, for your dedication and impact!
Discipline #2 BE IN THE TOP 10% OF YOUR PROFESSION because being good is not good enough.
Then we got into Mark’s expertise in property management, covering key questions like: ⠀ •Why property management is crucial and how his turnkey system benefits hands-off investors and landlords. ⠀ •The standout aspects of Keyes Property Management’s maintenance services. ⠀ •How his team handles evictions seamlessly for landlords with step-by-step support. ⠀ •How year-end financial statements help simplify tax season for landlords. And how Keyes collaborates with realtors in a non-compete way, adding value for clients.
Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and effectively protecting the landlord, tenant, and Realtor’s interests. Learn what even some of the most experienced veteran real estate agents do not know and where most of the mistakes are made. Learn how to fill in the maintenance section, prorations, collect your full commission, deal with active-duty military, and more.
This class and visual presentation lecture covers the Florida Lease Agreement intertwined with realtor & property management experiences based on how the lease was written/filled in. The training will cover the lease agreement flow from acquiring a tenant to the closing/move-in and the responsibilities of the Realtors® to their customers.
The Lease Agreement process will include:
How to write a lease that protects the landlord, the tenant, and the Realtor®.
Understand the difference between practicing law and being a Realtor®.
Understanding the importance of naming the parties involved in the lease.
How to collect your full commission when prorating rent.
Deposits and how to properly handle them.
Understand the maintenance section and how it affects owners and tenants.
How to handle active-duty military and their special exceptions to the leasing process.
How to make sure the landlord does not pay for storage.
Best practices for making sure all the sections are signed and initialed.
Best practices when dealing with foreign landlords.
Service and Support Animals – Bonus Class
This class will help you understand the proper way to deal with renters who initiate the process of having a service or support animal when renting a unit from an owner.
Understand the only questions you can ask a person requesting a reasonable accommodation.
Understand the kind of documents that can be requested.
Understand who can provide reasonable or trustworthy documentation as proof of the tenant’s need for a reasonable accommodation.
Understand why a service or support animal is not a pet.
Mark Pinilla will be speaking at Convención Inmobaria.
¿Que es la convención Inmobiliaria?
La convención inmobiliaria es el evento más importante para agentes de bienes raíces, emprendedores e inversionistas. Donde, 3 veces al año, se reúnen dueños de negocios, agentes de diferentes países con el propósito de aprender, educarse y planificar las próximas estrategias de su negocio.
Está diseñado para cualquier dueño de empresa, emprendedor, agente inmobiliario, sin importar cuanta experiencia tenga; el objetivo es que pueda tener el conocimiento para poder crear su plan de trabajo con metodología probada por líderes del mercado
Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and effectively protecting the landlord, tenant, and Realtor’s interests. Learn what even some of the most experienced veteran real estate agents do not know and where most of the mistakes are made. Learn how to fill in the maintenance section, prorations, collect your full commission, deal with active-duty military, and more.
This class and visual presentation lecture covers the Florida Lease Agreement intertwined with realtor & property management experiences based on how the lease was written/filled in. The training will cover the lease agreement flow from acquiring a tenant to the closing/move-in and the responsibilities of the Realtors® to their customers.
The Lease Agreement process will include:
How to write a lease that protects the landlord, the tenant, and the Realtor®.
Understand the difference between practicing law and being a Realtor®.
Understanding the importance of naming the parties involved in the lease.
How to collect your full commission when prorating rent.
Deposits and how to properly handle them.
Understand the maintenance section and how it affects owners and tenants.
How to handle active-duty military and their special exceptions to the leasing process.
How to make sure the landlord does not pay for storage.
Best practices for making sure all the sections are signed and initialed.
Best practices when dealing with foreign landlords.
The 2024 State of Hispanic Wealth Report highlights key achievements and goals in Hispanic wealth-building. The Hispanic Wealth Project, established in response to significant losses in Hispanic household wealth after the Great Recession, set a goal to triple Hispanic household wealth by 2024, which was achieved two years early. The report focuses on four primary areas: homeownership, business ownership, financial asset growth, and asset protection. Hispanic homeownership rates have nearly reached 50%, and Hispanic-owned businesses are growing faster than others. However, financial challenges remain, especially in accessing capital and investment opportunities. Hispanic households still face a significant wealth gap with non-Hispanic White households, though this gap has closed proportionally by nearly half over the past decade. The report calls for increased representation of Hispanic professionals in real estate and finance and expanded access to financial education and tools, particularly for estate planning, to ensure wealth preservation and intergenerational transfer.
El Informe del Estado de la Riqueza Hispana 2024 destaca logros y metas clave en la construcción de riqueza para la comunidad hispana. El Proyecto de Riqueza Hispana, creado después de la Gran Recesión para enfrentar pérdidas significativas de patrimonio en los hogares hispanos, estableció como meta triplicar esta riqueza para 2024, alcanzando dicho objetivo dos años antes. El informe se centra en cuatro áreas: propiedad de vivienda, propiedad de negocios, crecimiento de activos financieros y protección de activos. Las tasas de propiedad de vivienda hispana están cerca del 50%, y los negocios hispanos están creciendo más rápido que otros. Sin embargo, persisten desafíos financieros, especialmente en acceso a capital y oportunidades de inversión. Los hogares hispanos aún enfrentan una brecha significativa de riqueza con los hogares blancos no hispanos, aunque esta brecha se ha reducido proporcionalmente casi a la mitad en la última década. El informe recomienda aumentar la representación de profesionales hispanos en bienes raíces y finanzas, y ampliar el acceso a la educación financiera, en especial en planificación patrimonial, para asegurar la preservación de la riqueza y su transferencia intergeneracional.
You are cordially invited to our upcoming event, the Success Strategies Summit, where we will feature top leaders who have transformed the industry. Join us to learn from the best, including Johnathan Cyprien, NFL real estate advisor, Adriana Vargas-Hernandez, the incomparable Queen of Pre-Construction. Christina Pappas President at The Keyes Company.