Mark Pinilla – Living the NAHREP 10 Discipline #9

Every year, Vet Info delivers 600 care packages to veterans living in the Community Living Centers of the VA. Many veterans are forgotten and have no families. Together with Perry Ellis International and Headquarter Toyota, veterans received care packages that included t-shirts, socks, hygiene supplies and puzzle books.

Mark Pinilla is the Founder of Vet Info, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to serving the heroic military veterans who served our country.

With a national suicide rate of 22 per day, Mark and his team of volunteers work to reduce that number. Fishing, kayaking, and veteran centered events are among the many things he does to support veterans.

Discipline #9 BE GENEROUS WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE LESS FORTUNATE because philanthropy feeds your heart and spirit and gives more purpose to your work.

Mark is a proud member of NAHREP South Florida Chapter and the incoming 2025 Co-Educational Director.

Connect with Mark

The Path to Wealth for Hispanics

I had the pleasure of watching this interview live. Very enlightening and eye opening. I found it in LinkedIn and I believe it is important for more to hear.

I have met Sara Rodriguez and she is a true leader and a wealth of knowledge. I look forward to learning more from her in the future.


Mark Pinilla – Living the NAHREP 10 Discipline #2

Congratulations to Mark Pinilla for being recognized as the NAHREP 10 Certified Trainer of the Month! This year, Mark conducted 12 trainings, reaching 211 individuals with valuable insights into the NAHREP 10 principles. His commitment to uplifting our community and empowering others through financial literacy and growth is remarkable. Thank you, Mark, for your dedication and impact!

Discipline #2 BE IN THE TOP 10% OF YOUR PROFESSION because being good is not good enough.

Connect with Mark

NAHREP South Florida – Cafecito 305

Mark Pinilla, from Keyes Property Management, was invited to speak on Cafecito 305, a program developed by NAHREP South Florida and led by Maria Pena.

Maria’s summary of the Instagram Live…

Just wrapped up a fantastic Cafecito Time IG Live with our 2025 co-education director, Mark Pinilla!

We dove into his journey in real estate, his inspiring work with Vet Info supporting veterans’ mental health, and his role as a Certified Trainer for NAHREP’s 10 Disciplines.

Then we got into Mark’s expertise in property management, covering key questions like:

•Why property management is crucial and how his turnkey system benefits hands-off investors and landlords.

•The standout aspects of Keyes Property Management’s maintenance services.

•How his team handles evictions seamlessly for landlords with step-by-step support.

•How year-end financial statements help simplify tax season for landlords.
And how Keyes collaborates with realtors in a non-compete way, adding value for clients.

Catch the replay for insights from Mark’s nearly 30 years of combined experience and practical tips for property management!


No Veteran Left Behind – Veterans Day 2024

Mark Pinilla, Founder of Vet Info, spoke at Miami Dade College’s West Campus on Monday, November 4th, in honor of Veterans Day.

This day holds deep significance as a time to remember, reflect, and show respect for the countless men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation. Veterans Day offers us a moment to recognize the bravery, commitment, and resilience of those who dedicated themselves to protecting our freedoms and ensuring our country’s security. As a nation, it is essential that we express our gratitude, not only by saluting our veterans but by acknowledging the sacrifices they and their families have made. Thank you to those who paid tribute to their invaluable contributions.

No Veteran Left Behind

Jenny Torres – Living the NAHREP Discipline #10

Jenny Torres, NAHREP South Florida’s Government Affairs Director supported Vet Info at Vamos a Pescar 2024.

“Vamos a Pescar” is a wonderful event that supports learning to fish. Florida Fish & Wildlife provides the fishing rods, while Bass Pro Shops donates the bait. Volunteers from Vet Info and Miami Eco Adventures teach families how to fish. There was a total of 607 attendees.

Discipline #10 BE ACTIVE IN THE LIVES OF YOUR FAMILY AND CHILDREN because familia is central to who we are.

While Jenny’s family was not present, she certainly supported the idea of family. Jenny is pictured with Vet Info Founder, Mark Pinilla. Parents visit the event because they do not know how to fish. It was a great opportunity to share and be part of the community.

Connect with Jenny

NAHREP West Broward – Success Strategies Summit

You are cordially invited to our upcoming event, the Success Strategies Summit, where we will feature top leaders who have transformed the industry. Join us to learn from the best, including Johnathan Cyprien, NFL real estate advisor, Adriana Vargas-Hernandez, the incomparable Queen of Pre-Construction. Christina Pappas President at The Keyes Company.

NAHREP South Florida Business Rally – October 29, 2024

NAHREP South Florida is thrilled to announce the first panel for our NAHREP South Florida Business Rally, and it’s a powerhouse lineup! Get ready to hear from top experts: 

Real Estate Wealth Strategies: Taxes & Finances
This panel will dive deep into the strategies you need to maximize your financial success, reduce tax liabilities, and make smart investments for long-term wealth. If you’re looking for invaluable insights to take your business to the next level, this is the panel you cannot afford to miss!⠀

Town Hall: Succeeding In NAR Post-Settlement World
This panel will discuss the aftermath of the NAR settlement and what they have learned.

VIP Member Session Only
Ricky Carruth – Award-winning and multiple-year #1 real estate producer in his state has 18 years of experience and will be sharing some golden nuggets in this private session. 

Join us for a day packed with the most valuable information you’ll get this year. Don’t miss out!

2:00PM – 3:00PM – Registration/Networking
3:00PM – 4:30 PM – General Programming
 – Real Estate Wealth Strategies: Taxes & Finances
      – Charina Padilla – Tax Engineer
      – Jose Ortiz – CPA & Certified Tax Coach
      – Favio Taborada – Financial Advisor
Town Hall: Succeeding In NAR Post-Settlement World
     – Broker Susy Corona – Compass – Senior Sales Manager
     – Broker Mike Pappas – The Keyes Company – CEO
     – Broker Carolina Gerdts – Related ISG – President
     – Attorney Claudia Cobreiro – Cobreiro Law
     – Attorney Raysa Vargas – Vargas Law Group
     – Gonzalo Mejia – Miami Realtors Instructor

VIP Session – MEMBERS ONLY (Become a Member)
4:30PM – 5:00PM – Ricky Carruth
5:00PM – 7:00PM – Closing Reception & Networking MEMBERS ONLY

If you do not know who Ricky Carruth is, watch his video here


The Hispanic Homeownership Gap is Shrinking but Remains Significant

The data shows that the Hispanic homeownership gap is shrinking but still significant. From 2000 to 2022, the homeownership rate for Hispanics has increased, indicating progress but also highlighting that there’s still a disparity compared to the general population. This trend is crucial as homeownership significantly contributes to wealth building, as noted in the 2023 State of Hispanic Wealth Report. Owning a home boosts net worth and provides financial stability.

Realtors play a vital role in this journey, serving as the front line for renters aspiring to become homeowners. They provide essential guidance and resources to help navigate the homebuying process. For those looking to close this gap and build wealth, consider the benefits of homeownership and seek guidance from experts.

Mark Pinilla, an investment property manager and Realtor, can guide you towards homeownership and financial success. His expertise can provide valuable support and direction, helping to secure a stable and prosperous financial future.

Contact Mark Pinilla for professional guidance in your journey to homeownership and wealth building.

#HispanicWealth #Homeownership #WealthBuilding #FinancialSuccess #LatinoSuccess #PropertyInvestment #RealEstate #MarkPinilla #CloseTheGap #InvestInYourFuture

Los datos muestran que la brecha de propiedad de vivienda hispana está disminuyendo, pero sigue siendo significativa. Desde 2000 hasta 2022, la tasa de propiedad de vivienda para los hispanos ha aumentado, lo que indica progreso pero también destaca que aún existe una disparidad en comparación con la población general. Esta tendencia es crucial ya que la propiedad de vivienda contribuye significativamente a la creación de riqueza, como se menciona en el Informe de Riqueza Hispana de 2023. Poseer una vivienda aumenta el patrimonio neto y proporciona estabilidad financiera.

Los agentes inmobiliarios juegan un papel vital en este viaje, sirviendo como la primera línea para los inquilinos que aspiran a convertirse en propietarios de viviendas. Proporcionan orientación y recursos esenciales para ayudar a navegar el proceso de compra de una vivienda. Para aquellos que buscan cerrar esta brecha y construir riqueza, consideren los beneficios de ser propietarios de vivienda y busquen la orientación de expertos.

Mark Pinilla, un administrador de propiedades de inversión y Realtor, puede guiarlo hacia la propiedad de vivienda y el éxito financiero. Su experiencia puede proporcionar apoyo y dirección valiosos, ayudando a asegurar un futuro financiero estable y próspero.

Contacte a Mark Pinilla para obtener orientación profesional en su camino hacia la propiedad de vivienda y la creación de riqueza.

#RiquezaHispana #PropiedadDeVivienda #ConstrucciónDeRiqueza #ÉxitoFinanciero #ÉxitoLatino #InversiónInmobiliaria #BienesRaíces #MarkPinilla #CerrarLaBrecha #InvierteEnTuFuturo

2023 Hispanic Wealth Report

The 2023 State of Hispanic Wealth Report provides insightful data and trends regarding the financial health of Hispanic households in the United States. Hispanic household wealth has tripled in the past decade, increasing from $19,998 in 2013 to $63,400 in 2022, representing the fastest growth rate among any racial or ethnic group in the U.S. This surge in wealth is largely attributed to homeownership, a key driver of financial stability and wealth creation. For Hispanic families, owning a home significantly boosts net worth, with homeowners having, on average, 26.4 times the net worth of renters.

Despite these gains, challenges remain. The Hispanic community continues to face barriers in financial diversification. While 73% of Hispanic assets are non-financial, such as homes and businesses, only 27% are held in cash or investment accounts. This lack of diversification leaves Hispanic households vulnerable during economic downturns.

The report also highlights the entrepreneurial spirit within the Hispanic community, which saw a notable rise in business ownership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hispanic-owned businesses have been crucial in driving economic growth, but access to capital remains a significant hurdle. Efforts to support these businesses through mentorship and financial education are essential for their continued success and contribution to wealth creation.

To build on these advancements, it is vital for Hispanic families to focus on saving money, reducing debt, and making informed investment decisions. Financial education plays a crucial role in this process. Programs like the NAHREP 10 Certified Trainers and HWP’s Angel Community are designed to provide the necessary tools and knowledge to foster financial literacy and investment skills within the community.

For those navigating the complexities of wealth building and financial management, seeking guidance from professionals like Mark Pinilla is highly recommended. Mark Pinilla, an investment property manager and Realtor, is also a NAHREP 10 certified trainer who guides his clients towards homeownership. His expertise and dedication can provide valuable support and direction, helping to secure a stable and prosperous financial future.

Contact Mark Pinilla for professional guidance and support in your investment and wealth-building journey.

El Informe de Riqueza Hispana de 2023 proporciona datos y tendencias perspicaces sobre la salud financiera de los hogares hispanos en los Estados Unidos. La riqueza de los hogares hispanos se ha triplicado en la última década, aumentando de $19,998 en 2013 a $63,400 en 2022, representando la tasa de crecimiento más rápida entre cualquier grupo racial o étnico en los EE. UU. Este aumento en la riqueza se atribuye en gran medida a la propiedad de vivienda, un motor clave de estabilidad financiera y creación de riqueza. Para las familias hispanas, poseer una vivienda aumenta significativamente el patrimonio neto, con propietarios que tienen, en promedio, 26.4 veces el patrimonio neto de los inquilinos.

A pesar de estos avances, persisten desafíos. La comunidad hispana sigue enfrentando barreras en la diversificación financiera. Mientras que el 73% de los activos hispanos son no financieros, como viviendas y negocios, solo el 27% se mantiene en efectivo o cuentas de inversión. Esta falta de diversificación deja a los hogares hispanos vulnerables durante recesiones económicas.

El informe también destaca el espíritu emprendedor dentro de la comunidad hispana, que vio un aumento notable en la propiedad de negocios durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Los negocios propiedad de hispanos han sido cruciales para impulsar el crecimiento económico, pero el acceso al capital sigue siendo un obstáculo significativo. Esfuerzos para apoyar a estos negocios a través de mentoría y educación financiera son esenciales para su éxito continuo y su contribución a la creación de riqueza.

Para construir sobre estos avances, es vital que las familias hispanas se centren en ahorrar dinero, reducir la deuda y tomar decisiones de inversión informadas. La educación financiera juega un papel crucial en este proceso. Programas como los NAHREP 10 Certified Trainers y HWP’s Angel Community están diseñados para proporcionar las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para fomentar la alfabetización financiera y las habilidades de inversión dentro de la comunidad.

Para aquellos que navegan por las complejidades de la construcción de riqueza y la gestión financiera, se recomienda encarecidamente consultar con profesionales como Mark Pinilla. Mark Pinilla, un administrador de propiedades de inversión y Realtor, también es un entrenador certificado NAHREP 10 que guía a sus clientes hacia la propiedad de vivienda. Su experiencia y dedicación pueden proporcionar un apoyo y dirección valiosos, ayudando a asegurar un futuro financiero estable y próspero.

Póngase en contacto con Mark Pinilla para obtener orientación y apoyo profesional en su viaje de inversión y construcción de riqueza.

#HispanicWealth #FinancialLiteracy #Homeownership #InvestInYourFuture #LatinoSuccess #WealthBuilding #DebtFreeJourney #FinancialEducation #SmallBusinessGrowth #MarkPinilla

